First Council Meeting 2021

The First council meeting of the SLCOG for the year 2021 was held on 17th January 2021 at SLCOG house. The Council meeting was preceded by the unveiling of the photograph of the Immediate Past President Dr. U.D.P. Rathnasiri and the council photo of 2020. The photograph of Dr U.D.P. Rathnasiri was unveiled by the Patron Professor W.I Amarasingha. Dr. Pradeep De Silva made a speech appreciating the services, Dr. U.D.P. Rathnasiri has done to the college during his period in office. Dr. U.D.P. Rathnasiri gave a brief account of completed work during his tenure and the things that he could not complete due to the pandemic. Subsequently, Dr. Rathnasiri unveiled the photograph of the Council of the year 2020. Council then lighted the traditional oil lamp and enjoyed Kiribath and snacks prepared by the SLCOG ladies forum. The final event for the day was the first council meeting attended by the patron, President, office bearers and the council members.

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First Council Meeting 2021