The inaugural ceremony of the SAFOG SLCOG Congress 2022

The inaugural ceremony of the SAFOG SLCOG Congress 2022 was successfully held on 30th September 2022 at Shangri-La Ballroom, Hotel Shangri-La, Colombo.
The event commenced at 5.30 pm with the ceremonial procession of the SAFOG & SLCOG executive board and members. This was attended by the two Presidents Dr Rohana Haththotuwa (SAFOG) and Prof Sanath Lanerolle (SLCOG) and all the executive and council members of SAFOG and SLCOG.
The special guest, Dr Asela Gunawardena (DGHS), Guests of Honour, Prof Kazunori Ochiai (Immediate past president AOFOG) and Dr Rene Ekpini (Advisor Health, UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia) were among the attendees. The event concluded with a cultural show and a reception

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