Dr Richard Caldera Memorial Oration 2024

Dr Richard Caldera Memorial Oration for 2024 was held on 21st July 2024 at the Samson Rajapaksa Auditorium, SLCOG House, Colombo 08.

The orator was
Dr Nandita Palshetkar, MBBS, MD, FRCOG (HON), FCPS, FICOG
Founder & Medical Director, Bloom IVF Group

President-Elect of ISAR
Immediate past president of FOGSI
Immediate past president of MOGS
Immediate past president IAGE
Who spoke on “Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Unveiling Truths in Contemporary Medicine.”
Dr Marlene Abeyewardana (Patron SLCOG), Dr Mangala Dissanayaka (President SLCOG), Dr Darshana Abeygunawardana (Chairman Scientific Activities & Research SLCOG), Dr Achintha Dissanayake (Hon. Secretary SLCOG) were at the head table.