Dr Nalin Rodrigo Memorial Oration 2022

Dr Nalin Rodrigo Memorial Oration for the year 2022 was held on 20th November 2022 at the Shangri-La Ball Room, Shangri –La Hotel, Colombo.
The orator was Dr Chandana Jayasundara, Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Colombo spoke on ” Towards a scalable and sustainable solution for the rising trend of caesarean rates in Sri Lanka”
Prof Sanath Lanerolle, President SLCOG, Prof W I Amarasinghe, Dr Chaminda Mathota, Hony Secretary SLCOG and Prof Rasika Herath, Chairman Scientific Activities & Research SLCOG were at the head table.
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Dr Nalin Rodrigo Memorial Oration 2022