Fourth Safe Motherhood Programme 2022
The final Safe Motherhood Programme for the year 2022 was successfully held at Base Hospital, Kamburupitiya in Matara on 14th December 2022.
This programme was the last under leadership of Prof Sanath Lanerolle as the President of SLCOG and organized with the continues support of Prof Rasika Herath, Chairman-Scientific Activities & Research and Prof T Kadotgajan, Chairman-Regional Activities & Development. Dr Gayan De Silva coordinated the programme on behalf of the SLCOG.
Dr. W.P.R. Dharmakeerthi, Hospital Director, Base Hospital Kamburupitiya and Dr. M.W.M.K. Mediwaka, Regional Director and Dr. Chandima Sirithunga, Provincial Director participated and addressed the gathering at the inauguration.
As usual, the programme consisted of three parallel sessions for the Doctors, Hospital Staff and for the field staff. At the end a successful day the college members had a happening evening at Polhena beach to mark the end the safe motherhood programmes for the year 2022.