President’s Message 2022
Dear all,
It is a great pleasure to address you through our college web site as the 36th president of this esteemed organization.
In brief a society for Obstetrics & Gynaecology started in 1953. It had final change in its name in 1972 to be present day Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. I would like to thank the immediate past President Dr. Pradeep de Silva and his council and all the past presidents for their excellent contribution to improve the maternal and women’s care during the past five decades.
SLCOG is the only professional organization in Sri Lanka representing the specialists in the field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. It is this being one and only professional body with almost all qualified specialists as its members is the strength, we have to make the care for the women in the field of maternity and gynaecology the best the country can provide for them. I will maintain high standards of the office for the betterment of maternity care and actively promote the postgraduate education in Sri Lanka during my tenure in office.
I have planned to commence SHO training program which was initially started by Dr Ananda Ranathunga during his presidency in 2011 basically on Caesarian sections and obstetrics emergencies to help ministry of health to improve quality of care. This program will be supported by ministry of health under the guidance of Dr. Hemantha Herath, director of In-service and Individual training Program (ET and R).
SLCOG considered Audit and Research as important aspects of clinical excellence. Ministry of health supporting clinicians to engage in clinical research. Ministry of Health issued the Management Services circular No. 45 and 45(i) on Payment of Research Allowance as per the Budget Proposals 2014 in order to provide financial support for the researchers. SLCOG has planned to establish a Centre for Research Facilitation (CRF) under the guidance of Emeritus Professor Malik Goonewardena. By the end of 2022, I hope to give leadership to achieve these targets.
As the 36th President of SLCOG I pledge my fullest support for these advanced programs during my tenure and I will help them to launch these at national level
Prof. Sanath Lanerolle
Clinical Professor of Obestetrics & Gynaecology
President – Sri Lanka College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology