World Anemia Day 2025; A Joint Symposium on “Breaking barriers: A Collaborative Approach to haematological problems in pregnancy” by SLCOG and SLCH

To mark World Anemia Day 2025, which falls on 13 February, the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists has organized a joint symposium with the Sri Lanka College of Haematologists under the theme “Breaking Barriers: A Collaborative Approach to Haematological Problems in Pregnancy.”  The symposium was comprised of valuable and deliberated lecture topics specifically related to the Haematological problems amoung Pregnant Women delivered by renowned Consultant Heamatalogists and Consultant Obstetricians & Gynaecologists in Sri Lanka. The symposium was well organized under the leadership of Dr S P Akmeemana (President SLCOG) and Dr K S Pathirage (President SLCH). Dr A Sritharan (Chairman Scientific Activities & Research SLCOG), Dr Achintha Dissanayake (Hon. Secretary SLCOG), Dr Thusitha Kumarasiri and Dr Wasanthi Wickremasinghe (Hon. Joint Secretaries SLCH) coordinated the programme from both the colleges to make the event a successfully concluded. 
Further, Dr Darshana Abeygunawardana (Chairman Regional Activities & Developments SLCOG) has successfully organized a webinar programme for in service midwifery officers about the ” Anemia in Pregnancy” joining with the Family Health Bureau of Sri Lanka. The webinar programme was resourced by Dr Mangala Dissanayake (Immediate Past President SLCOG) and Dr Sanjeewa Godakandage (Director, Maternal Care Unit, Family Health Bureau). 
P & G Health Ltd joined hands with SLCOG to host both the events.