Christmas Carols and night by O & G Ladies Forum 2022

The O & G Ladies forum together with the SLCOG organized a grand Christmas celebration on the 18th of December 2022 with a gathering of nearly 150 guests.
This was an enjoyable and memorable night for all Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and their families.
Christmas carols led by a Medical student’s choir, a Christmas raffle draw and a Christmas dinner were the highlights of this event. The arrival of Santa Clause with a small treat for each kid present was the height of excitement to all the children.
I take this opportunity to thank the O&G Ladies Forum members for their generous contribution towards the charity projects during the year 2022.
A special word of thanks to the President Prof Sanath Lanerolle and the Council of the SLCOG, President Mrs Sonali de Silva and the Committee of O&G Ladies Forum and last but not least the sponsors for the event.
Dr Kushal Ranatunga
O & G Ladies forum

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